Power of Storytelling in Leadership and Culture Shaping w/ Stan Miller

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In this fascinating installment of the Growing Your Business with People podcast, we explore the transformative power of storytelling with Stan Miller, a maestro in the realm of career acceleration and fulfillment.

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Stan Miller

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About the Guest(s): Stan Miller is the founder of Storicate, a company that empowers individuals to tell their stories effectively, thereby accelerating their careers and enhancing fulfillment at work. With a firm focus on story-based coaching, Stan guides clients towards clarity in messaging and helps businesses in fostering an environment rich in fulfillment. Bringing an extensive background that crosses over diverse sectors, from his twelve-year tenure at AT&T to his experience in a financial tech startup, Stan's journey has morphed into a dedication to the art and science of storytelling. Episode Summary: In this episode, we're joined by Stan Miller, a seasoned storyteller and founder of Storicate, who delves into the mechanics and power of storytelling within the corporate world. Injecting life and resonance into narratives, Stan discusses the transformational impact that proficient storytelling can have both on individuals looking to advance their careers and companies striving for a more connected and dynamic culture. Stan shares his personal odyssey through the corporate landscape, highlighting his transitions from various roles at AT&T to his ventures into the startup space, and ultimately, his segue into full-time storytelling coaching. With a narrative steeped in discovery and self-reflection, he underscores the significance of peak and valley moments in one’s professional journey, illustrating the profound emotional connection these stories can forge with listeners. Throughout the episode, the discussion touches on how storytelling is not merely about being perfect, but about understanding and applying effective patterns. By harnessing the power to evoke emotion, capture attention, and change behavior, storytelling can be a pivotal tool for leaders to relate to their teams, influence company culture, and assert control over the corporate narrative. Key Takeaways: Storytelling is not an innate talent but a proficiency that can be developed through understanding and applying narrative frameworks. Effective stories need to cover both peak moments of success and valley moments of struggle to create relatability and humanize leaders. Mirror moments in storytelling allow the audience to envision themselves in the narrative, fostering a sense of empathy and connection. Leaders can shape their company culture by controlling the organizational narrative through strategic storytelling. Executives should prioritize storytelling in their communication strategy and consider having their leadership teams trained in the art of narrative to unify their message. Notable Quotes: "Let's not strive to be great storytellers. Let's not be perfect. Let's be proficient at understanding the pattern." "We have failure in common. Because the peak story that the CEO shares, not barely anybody, it's all impressive, but barely anybody has ever seen that moment or experienced that journey." "You have to be in control or try to take responsibility for the overarching narrative of the organization." Resources: Storicate's website: storicate.com Stan Miller on LinkedIn for daily story inspiration. Mentioned academic institutions: Harvard Business Review, Yale University.